The biggest paradigm shift in medicine history

Dr. Thomas Seyfrieds groundbreaking scientific work

“Cancer as a Metabolic Disease” by Dr. Thomas Seyfried is a groundbreaking work that challenges the conventional understanding of cancer and presents a compelling argument for viewing cancer as a metabolic disorder rather than a genetic one.

Dr. Seyfried’s book delves into the idea that cancer is primarily driven by disruptions in cellular energy metabolism, where damaged mitochondria play a central role.

Cancer as a metabolic disease

It's time to change the dogma: Cancer is not a genetic disease

Cancer as a Metabolic disease

The Meaning and Impact of Dr. Seyfrieds research

He argues that these metabolic issues can be traced back to a range of factors, including genetics, environmental toxins, and dietary choices, ultimately making the case that a ketogenic diet and therapies targeting cancer metabolism can offer new avenues for cancer treatment and prevention.

Through extensive research and critical analysis, Dr. Seyfried challenges the prevailing paradigm in cancer research and presents an alternative perspective that has the potential to revolutionize our approach to understanding and combatting this devastating disease.

The impact of “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease” on the cancer research community has been profound. Dr. Seyfried’s work has spurred a significant shift in the way researchers and clinicians think about cancer.

Dr. Seyfrieds insights have led to increased interest in the development of metabolic-based treatments for cancer, including the utilization of ketogenic diets and the exploration of drugs that target cancer cell metabolism.

The Cover of Dr. Seyfried's academic work
The Cost Proplem

A big tome with a high price point

Unfortunately, Dr. Seyfried’s book is not really accessible for the general public. This has two reasons:

1) His book, published in 2012, is a scientific work for the medical community. Thus, it’s at times rather hard to understand and quite technical. Some chapters are solely about advanced biochemistry the lay person has no real understanding, illustrated with  very confusing graphs

2) The pricepoint of this 440 page work is around 110 dollars! This is too much for the typical layman reader, who just wants the basic information in a summarized manner.

These are the reasons why we created our summary – with the official permission of Dr. Seyfried and all other authors!

Our affordable Version

An Overview of: Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer

In order to give the public the opportunity to read Dr. Seyfried’s stance on cancer in an affordable way, we created this 140-page summary.

It consists of four different texts:

1) Dr. Thomas Seyfrieds’ talk at the CrossFit Health Conference, which is a illlustrated summary of his main book

2) An overview of the Press-Pulse method by Dr. Dominic D’Agostino

3) An interview with Dr. Thomas Seyfried and

4) The origin story of the ketogenic diet

Here comes the best part:

In order to support Dr. Seyfrieds’ cancer research, 25% of the profits will be donated to his research. You can see our donation counter at the DONATE page of!

You can read the preview version of this book on our SAMPLE READING PAGE

The Cover of our summary
You can buy our Overview here, for only $9,90!






Minutes of video as Text


Stars (out of 5)

The student edition
Even more insights

We also created a longer version of this summary, called the "Student Edition".


Some people just want to know more. They want more details and more insights. Students, physicians or just interested citizens. Those are the people we created this edition for.

In addition to those four texts, we added another 2 interviews of Dr. Seyfried.

1) In this first interview, he talks with Dr. Peter Attia about his metabolic approach. The go pretty deep into the biochemistry. Furthermore, the talk about the research that still needs to be done to prove Dr. Seyfried’s stance to the general scientific community even better.

2) In the second additional interview, Dr. Seyfried has a converstion with Dr. Anthony Chaffee. Here, they talk about Big Pharma, cancer in kids, and a ketogenic approach that incorporates a more animal heavy kind of eating, like carnivore.

This student edition has about 300 pages of content

You can buy our Student Edition here, for only $14,90!
"Great Book!" (verified Purchase) "Very interesting!"
Freedom Healthcare Ltd
Amazon User from the United Kingdom
"Positiv überrascht!" (verified Purchase) "Ich habe das Werk von Dr. Seyfried schon auf YouTube verfolgt um mein Wissen über die aktuelle Krebsforschung zu erweitern. Leider waren mir viele Zusammenhänge nicht ganz verständlich, weswegen ich mir diese deutsche Version geholt habe. Der Übersetzer hat es geschafft, den Text in verständlichem Deutsch widerzugeben und hat sogar zusätzliche Passagen und Fußnoten im Text eingefügt, um das logischer zu strukturieren! War ja eine Übersetzung wörtlicher Rede, was sicher nicht leicht ist. Eine Empfehlung an alle, die wissen wollen, wie man Krebs endlich schlagen kann! Inklusive den nötigen wissenschaftlichen Quellen am Ende des Buches."
Ralf Mueller
Amazon User from Germany
" Sehr interessant. Nicht nur für Hypochonder sonder allgemein" (verified Purchase) "Oh man. Eigentlich will man sowas nicht lesen aber man sollte es wirklich tun. Ich bin zwar kein Hypochonder aber ich hab wirklich sehr große Angst vor Krebs und ähnlich schlimmen Erkrankungen. Was ich am aller schockierendsten an dem ganzen Thema finde ist, dass wir uns selbst krank machen. Sehr viele Erkrankungen führen wir selbst herbei, unsere Psyche ist so tief und unendlich und keiner von uns kann auch nur im geringsten gegen diese Mächte ankämpfen. Das Buch ist wirklich sehr gut geschrieben in einer vernünftigen Sprache und keine reine Angst-Lektüre. Es ist wirklich sehr interessant und wissenswert und kann mir, Euch, whatever vllt. dabei helfen besser auf Euch und natürlich auch ich auf mich zu achten. Bleibt alle gesund und munter!"
Amazon User from Germany
"Unbedingt lesen!" (verified Purchase) "Über einen Bekannten bin ich auf die Youtubevortäge von Dr. Thomas Seyfried und dessen Forschungsergebnisse gekommen. Die Kombination aus Englisch, Fachbegriffe und zu geringer Vorkenntnisse in der Materie haben mich jedoch abgeschreckt, mich mit der Thematik auseinanderzusetzen. Durch die Übersetzung und die Textform war es jedoch einfach den Ausführungen von Dr. Seyfried zu folgen: Man merkt sofort, dass hier kein Automat übersetzt hat, sondern jemand der sein Handwerk versteht. Sehr aufschlussreiche und plausible Erläuterung über die Mechanismen des Krebswachstums und dessen Unterbindung. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass diese "Theorie" in der Forschung und breitenwirksamen Behandlung an Akzeptanz gewinnt."
Amazon User from Germany
"Sehr gute Zusammenfassung" (verified Purchase) "Ein sehr empfehlenswertes Buch für alle, denen das große Buch von Dr. Seyfried zu schwer verständlich ist. Diese Zusammenfassung erklärt die Dinge relativ einfach und vor allem das Interview fand ich einfach Klasse! Dr. Seyfried zieht vom Leder dass es kracht und die Pharmaindustrie bekommt einiges weg! Dass Keto gesund ist, sofern man "echte" Nahrungsmittel zu sich nimmt, versteht sich von selbst! Würde auch 6 Sterne geben, wenn das möglich wäre 🙂 "
Amazon User from Germany

The last book chapter

The Origin of the Ketonic Diet

Co-authored by two giants

The Origin Story of the Ketogenic Diet

The Origin Story of the Ketogenic Diet

Most of the people who are new to a low-carb lifestyle might think that the ketogenic diet is a fairly recent invention. But that is far from the truth!

In fact, the ketogenic diet has been used to treat epilepsy in children and adults for many decades.

How this diet came about and what the story behind keto is was perfectly described by two giants in the field: Travis Christofferson and Dominic D’Agostino: They co-authored the origin story of the ketogenic diet at Robb Wolff’s blog.

In order to give this interesting and entertaining piece of writing more publicity (and to support Dr. Seyfried), we decided to also put this into our Summary books, as the last chapter!

The origin story of the ketogenic diet @ Robb Wolf